WU Xinhong,PAN Lingling,WANG Zerong,ZHOU Jing,WANG Yong.Bidding strategy of air conditioning load aggregator for energy-reserve multi-variety power trading[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(2):
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吴心弘1, 潘玲玲2, 王泽荣1, 周竞2, 王勇2
1.国网浙江综合能源服务有限公司,浙江 杭州 310014;2.中国电力科学研究院有限公司,江苏 南京 210003
关键词:  空调负荷  负荷聚合商  多品种电力交易  能量市场  备用市场
Bidding strategy of air conditioning load aggregator for energy-reserve multi-variety power trading
WU Xinhong1, PAN Lingling2, WANG Zerong1, ZHOU Jing2, WANG Yong2
1.State Grid Zhejiang Integrated Energy Service Company, Hangzhou 310014, China;2.China Electric Power Research Institute, Nanjing 210003, China
The opening of bilateral electricity market provides a new opportunity for the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning(HVAC) load of public buildings to participate in the electricity market as demand-side resources. In order to explore the regulation potential of air conditioning load in the peak periods of power consumption, according to the operation principle of HVAC and based on the energy conservation law, the thermodynamic principle, the principle of mass conservation, and so on, the physical model of HVAC in public buildings is established and the flexible control strategy of HVAC is put forward. Considering that air conditioning users participate in the energy market and reserve market under the unified coordination of load aggregators, a bi-level bidding model of load aggregators for energy-reserve multi-variety power trading is constructed. The upper level is the bidding model of load aggregators and the lower level is the clearing model of electricity market. Based on KKT condition and duality theory, the bi-level optimization problem is transformed into a single-level optimization model with equilibrium constraints to achieve efficient solution of the model. The simulative results verify the effectiveness of the proposed bidding model.
Key words:  air conditioning load  load aggregators  multi-variety power trading  energy market  reserve market

