LI Yuting,PENG Minfang.Distributed optimal dispatching of integrated energy microgrid considering carbon capture and methanation[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(3):
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李玉婷, 彭敏放
湖南大学 电气与信息工程学院,湖南 长沙 410082
关键词:  综合能源微网  碳捕集  甲烷化  碳交易  储氢  分布式优化调度
Distributed optimal dispatching of integrated energy microgrid considering carbon capture and methanation
LI Yuting, PENG Minfang
College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China
To promote the low-carbon and economic operation of integrated energy microgrid and reduce information security risk, the distributed optimal scheduling model of integrated energy microgrid considering carbon capture and methanation is proposed. By installing carbon capture devices on heat-engine plants, the captured CO2 can be used for methanation, which contributes to the reduction of system’s carbon emissions. The surplus carbon emission trading rights can be traded, which not only reduces the carbon emissions of the system but also provides additional economic benefits. The distributed optimal scheduling is proposed to solve the information privacy problem caused by the joint optimal scheduling of multi-integrated energy microgrid. Simulative results show that the proposed model can effectively balance the system-wide carbon emissions and the economics at the same time, while reducing the risk of information security.
Key words:  integrated energy microgrid  carbon capture  methanation  carbon trading  hydrogen storage  distributed optimal dispatching

