引用本文:徐艳春,刘海权,孙思涵,MI Lu.计及需求响应和共享储能的多微网系统双层优化调度[J].电力自动化设备,2023,43(6):
XU Yanchun,LIU Haiquan,SUN Sihan,MI Lu.Bi-level optimal scheduling of multi-microgrid system considering demand response and shared energy storage[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(6):
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徐艳春1, 刘海权1, 孙思涵1, MI Lu2
1.三峡大学 梯级水电站运行与控制湖北省重点实验室,湖北 宜昌 443002;2.德克萨斯农工大学 电气与计算机工程学院,美国 卡城 77840
关键词:  综合能源系统  多微网  用户需求响应  共享储能  Stackelberg博弈  KKT条件
Bi-level optimal scheduling of multi-microgrid system considering demand response and shared energy storage
XU Yanchun1, LIU Haiquan1, SUN Sihan1, MI Lu2
1.Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory for Operation and Control of Cascaded Hydropower Station, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China;2.Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station 77840, USA
Incorporating demand response behavior of power consumers and energy storage sharing devices in multi-microgrid system will affect the energy flow and equipment output. Thereby, in order to promote the efficient utilization of energy storage devices and the local consumption of renewable energy, a bi-level optimal scheduling strategy for multi-microgrid systems is proposed, which takes into account both the demand response of energy users and the sharing of energy storages. The operation mode of shared energy storage, multi-microgrid system and demand response behavior of energy users are modeled. A cooperative Stackelberg interactive equilibrium model is proposed, in which the maximum net income of multi-microgrid system and the minimum total energy purchase cost of energy-consuming users are set as the upper-level and lower-level objectives respectively. The lower-level model is replaced by its KKT conditions, and then the Big-M method and strong-duality theorem are employed to deal with nonlinear terms. As a result, the Stackelberg game model is transformed into a mixed integer linear programming problem. The energy pricing strategy of multi-microgrid system, the dynamic capacity allocation of shared energy storage and the equipment operating status in each microgrid are obtained. To promote power interaction between microgrids, a profit allocation scheme based on interaction contribution is proposed. Finally, five different schemes are employed as examples to verify the effectiveness of the proposed strategy.
Key words:  integrated energy system  multi-microgrid  user demand response  shared energy storage  Stackelberg game  KKT conditions

