XIAO Jun,LI Jinyi,SONG Chenhui.New method of energy optimization for grid-connected microgrid based on security region[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(6):
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肖峻1, 李瑾一1, 宋晨辉2
1.天津大学 智能电网教育部重点实验室,天津 300072;2.国网能源研究院有限公司,北京 102209
关键词:  并网型微电网  安全域  能量优化  经济效益  安全距离
New method of energy optimization for grid-connected microgrid based on security region
XIAO Jun1, LI Jinyi1, SONG Chenhui2
1.Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China;2.State Grid Energy Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 102209, China
A new method of energy optimization is proposed for grid-connected microgrid based on security region. The definition and model of grid-connected microgrid security region are proposed, and microgrid security regions of N-0 security and N-1 security are described. Considering the security and economy of microgrid, an energy optimization model of microgrid is established based on security region, which takes the economic benefit and feeder security distance as its optimization objectives, and YALMIP toolbox and CPLEX solver are adopted to solve the model in the planned range of security region. An example is used to show the security region and verify the effectiveness of the energy optimization model. Compared with the existing method, the proposed method can quantify the system security margin, and comprehensively consider the security margin and economic benefit.
Key words:  grid-connected microgrid  security region  energy optimization  economic efficiency  security distance

