XIE Liwei,LI Yong,LUO Longfu,ZENG Xiangjun,YU Kun,HOU Liang,CAO Yijia.Fault location method considering preset offset value for distribution network with multi-branch[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(6):
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谢李为1,2, 李勇1, 罗隆福1, 曾祥君2, 喻锟2, 侯亮3, 曹一家1
1.湖南大学 电气与信息工程学院,湖南 长沙 410082;2.长沙理工大学 电气与信息工程学院,湖南 长沙 410114;3.长园深瑞继保自动化有限公司,广东 深圳 518057
关键词:  配电网  故障定位  行波法  预设偏移值  灰狼优化算法
Fault location method considering preset offset value for distribution network with multi-branch
XIE Liwei1,2, LI Yong1, LUO Longfu1, ZENG Xiangjun2, YU Kun2, HOU Liang3, CAO Yijia1
1.School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China;2.School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410114, China;3.CYG SUNRI Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen 518057, China
To reduce the impact of line parameters changes on fault location of distribution network, a fault location method based on preset offset value is proposed. By analyzing the propagation characteristics of fault traveling wave in distribution network, the preset offset value of the line terminal is defined via considering the relationship between the preset fault position and the real fault position. Then an optimization model with the minimum preset offset value as its object is established, where the preset fault position and traveling wave velocity are variables. Further, according to the gray wolf optimization algorithm, the principle of solving the minimum preset fault location is analyzed. The selection method of the preset fault position and the preset traveling wave velocity are proposed to reduce the influence of uncertainty of traveling wave velocity on fault location of distribution network and achieve the accurate fault location. Simulative results show that the proposed method can effectively identify the fault branches and accurately locate faults. The location results are not easily affected by the uncertainty of line parameters, thus effectively improving the accuracy of fault location in distribution network.
Key words:  distribution network  fault location  traveling wave method  preset offset value  gray wolf optimization algorithm

