CHEN Jia,LAN Fei,GUO Haolin,LI Jinghua.Review on wave energy power generation control technology[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(6):
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陈佳, 兰飞, 郭昊霖, 黎静华
广西大学 广西电力系统最优化与节能技术重点实验室,广西 南宁 530004
关键词:  波浪能发电  控制技术  最大功率点跟踪控制  电能质量控制  海洋能利用
Review on wave energy power generation control technology
CHEN Jia, LAN Fei, GUO Haolin, LI Jinghua
Guangxi Key Laboratory of Power System Optimization and Energy-Saving Technology, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China
The control of wave energy power generation can effectively suppress the volatility of power output and significantly improve power quality, which is beneficial for the full utilization of wave energy. To provide researchers with a comprehensive understanding of the current research level and future research directions, the current study on wave energy power generation system control technology home and abroad in recent years is summarized. The distribution and hot issues of wave energy power generation control technology are analyzed. Based on the classification of the installation location of wave energy power generation devices, wave energy converter method, and power take-off mode, the wave energy power generation system is introduced. The wave energy power generation control technology is classified with the clues of maximum power tracking control and power quality control, the control principle, technical characteristics, and application situation are compared. Finally, the future research directions in this area are discussed and prospected. These results can provide references for further study on efficient conversion and stable output control of wave energy power generation.
Key words:  wave energy power generation  control technology  maximum power point tracking control  power quality control  ocean energy utilization

