SONG Xiaoqing,XU Yonghai,TAO Shun,ZHANG Hui,REN Yougang,TONG Cuizhi.System side harmonic impedance estimation method considering background fluctuation and phase angle missing of measurement data[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(6):
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宋晓庆1,2, 徐永海1, 陶顺1, 张惠2, 任有刚2, 仝翠芝2
1.华北电力大学 新能源电力系统国家重点实验室,北京 102206;2.国网冀北电力有限公司 智能配电网中心,河北 秦皇岛 066100
关键词:  系统侧谐波阻抗  谐波数据相位缺失  背景谐波电压波动  相关性校验  Tukey稳健回归
System side harmonic impedance estimation method considering background fluctuation and phase angle missing of measurement data
SONG Xiaoqing1,2, XU Yonghai1, TAO Shun1, ZHANG Hui2, REN Yougang2, TONG Cuizhi2
1.State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China;2.Smart Distribution Network Center of State Grid Jibei Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Qinhuangdao 066100, China
The existing system side harmonic impedance estimation methods are usually based on the phasor data of the harmonic voltage and current at the point of common coupling, and it is difficult to estimate when the respective phase angle information of the harmonic voltage and current is missing. In order to solve this problem, a system impedance solution method based on the combination of correlation check and Tukey robust regression is proposed, which only needs harmonic voltage and current amplitude and their phase difference data. Firstly, the correlation of harmonic data is analyzed, and the fluctuation data segment is eliminated according to the Pearson coefficient to ensure that the solution of the system impedance is not affected by the background fluctuation. Based on the Tukey robust regression method, the system impedance value is regressed while weakening the potential abnormal fluctuation points caused by the missing of harmonic phase angle data. The proposed method can effectively weaken the influence of background harmonic voltage fluctuations and missing data phase angle, and further improve the estimation accuracy. The effectiveness and correctness of the proposed method are proved by simulation analysis and actual data calculation verification, which provides a new way to solve the harmonic impedance problem in the phase missing scene.
Key words:  system side harmonic impedance  phase angle missing of harmonic data  background harmonic voltage fluctuation  correlation check  Tukey robust regression

