LI Zhiqiang,WANG Dongyang,XIAO Yang.Design of magnetic-geared speed regulator in energy storage system with synchronous condenser and flywheel[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(7):
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李志强, 王东阳, 肖洋
中国电力科学研究院有限公司,北京 100192
关键词:  调相机  飞轮储能  磁齿轮调速器  转矩密度  效率
Design of magnetic-geared speed regulator in energy storage system with synchronous condenser and flywheel
LI Zhiqiang, WANG Dongyang, XIAO Yang
China Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing 100192, China
The electromagnetic design of magnetic-geared speed regulator(MGSR) in the energy storage system with synchronous condenser and flywheel for new energy station is introduced. Based on the operation principle of coaxial magnetic gear, by changing the frequency of the stator current, the MGSR achieves stepless change of the flywheel speed and the power flow between the flywheel and the synchronous condenser whose speed is constant. Equipped with MGSR, the synchronous condenser is capable of not only regulating reactive power but also providing active power support. The basic structure, the regulation range of speed and frequency and other basic operation conditions of MGSR are determined. The electromagnetic performance of MGSR with different configurations of permanent magnets and different dimensions of modulating ring and stator slots are calculated and compared by using finite element software, and the V-shaped permanent magnets, the width and thickness of modulating pieces and the shape of stator slots are selected for the final design. This design increases the torque density of magnetic-geared speed regulator significantly and achieves fairly high operational efficiency.
Key words:  synchronous condenser  flywheel energy storage  magnetic-geared speed regulator  torque density  efficiency

