WANG Guangrui,LI Zhengshuo,LIU Congcong.Multi-time granularity robust evaluation method for flexible load aggregation flexibility[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(7):
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王光瑞1,2, 李正烁1,2, 刘聪聪1,2
1.山东大学 电气工程学院,山东 济南 250061;2.山东大学 电网智能化调度与控制教育部重点实验室,山东 济南 250061
关键词:  柔性负荷  虚拟电厂  鲁棒优化  多时间颗粒度  决策依赖不确定性  嵌套列和约束生成算法
Multi-time granularity robust evaluation method for flexible load aggregation flexibility
WANG Guangrui1,2, LI Zhengshuo1,2, LIU Congcong1,2
1.School of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China;2.Key Laboratory of Power System Intelligent Dispatch and Control of Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China
For flexible load virtual power plant(FLVPP),the robust evaluation method of dynamic aggregation flexibility containing intra-day rolling time window, dispatching cycle, and minute-level multi-time granularity is proposed. The necessity of multi-time granularity evaluation is analyzed. The robust evaluation model for maximizing multi-time period aggregation flexibility is constructed, which takes into account the effects of multi-time period coupling, power network congestion, variation of load operating state during the dispatching period, and time-delay response. This model is a decision-dependent uncertainty optimization model, which can be transformed into a conventional two-stage robust optimization problem using mathematical transformation, and an iterative solution strategy based on nested column-and-constraint generation algorithm is designed for the problem of binary variables existing in the second-stage. Case study analysis verifies that the proposed method can evaluate the aggregation flexibility of FLVPP more accurately than the existing methods. Meanwhile, the necessity of considering the power network constraint in evaluating the aggregation flexibility is verified, and the computational performance of the algorithm is demonstrated.
Key words:  flexible load  virtual power plants  robust optimization  multi-time granularity  decision-dependent uncertainty  nested column-and-constraint generation algorithm

