ZHANG Pengfei,WANG Shunchao,ZHANG Ruiqing,HE Zhao,FANG Xiaosong,ZHANG Ning.Optimal economic dispatching approach for E-fuel facility combined with coal-fired power unit based on SDR and Gaussian randomization[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(7):
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张鹏飞1,2, 王顺超1, 张瑞卿1, 何肇1, 方晓松1, 张宁2
1.电力规划设计总院,北京 100120;2.清华大学 电机系,北京 100084
关键词:  电力系统  灵活性  电制燃料设施  调频服务  半正定松弛  高斯随机化  优化经济调度
Optimal economic dispatching approach for E-fuel facility combined with coal-fired power unit based on SDR and Gaussian randomization
ZHANG Pengfei1,2, WANG Shunchao1, ZHANG Ruiqing1, HE Zhao1, FANG Xiaosong1, ZHANG Ning2
1.Electric Power Planning & Engineering Institute, Beijing 100120, China;2.Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
An operation scheme of E-fuel facility combined with coal-fired power unit is proposed, which can not only generate important secondary energy, such as electricity, methanol, etc.,but also improve the flexibility of power generation system. To dispatch the combined unit rationally, improve the flexibility while ensuring the optimal economy, an optimal economic dispatching approach for E-fuel facility combined with coal-fired power unit to participate in frequency regulation service is proposed. Under the condition of fully considering the frequency regulation service market rules, an optimal economic dispatching model for E-fuel facility combined with coal-fired power unit to participate in single frequency regulation is constructed, which is more precise than the existing researches. Aiming at the difficulty in solving NP-hard nonlinear model with max function, the classification and transformation as well as semidefinite relaxation(SDR) are used to relax the original problem, and then the scheme is solved through Gaussian randomization. Case study analysis shows that the proposed approach has the advantages of accuracy and efficiency, and it provides a reference for the optimal economic dispatching of the operation of flexible energy facility combined with coal-fired power unit.
Key words:  electric power systems  flexibility  E-fuel facility  frequency regulation service  semidefinite relaxation  Gaussian randomization  optimal economic dispatching

