HAN Chang,HAN Xiao,CHEN Hong,ZHONG Jie,GE Yang,CAO Can,MA Jie.Semi-supervised object detection for normative perspective scenes and its application on protective connecting pieces[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(7):
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韩畅1, 韩笑2, 陈虹1, 钟杰3, 戈洋1, 曹灿3, 马杰3
1.电子科技大学 计算机科学与工程学院,四川 成都 611731;2.南京工程学院 电力工程学院,江苏 南京 211167;3.国家电网江苏省电力有限公司连云港供电公司,江苏 连云港 222000
关键词:  继电保护压板  电力系统智慧化  半监督学习  目标检测算法  逆透视变换
Semi-supervised object detection for normative perspective scenes and its application on protective connecting pieces
HAN Chang1, HAN Xiao2, CHEN Hong1, ZHONG Jie3, GE Yang1, CAO Can3, MA Jie3
1.School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China;2.School of Electrical Engineering, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211167, China;3.Lianyungang Power Supply Company of State Grid Jiangsu Power Co.,Ltd.,Lianyungang 222000, China
Efficient and accurate identification of abnormal status of protective connecting piece is a pressing technical challenge in the inspection of substation secondary equipment. Deep learning-based generic target detection algorithms are not able to take full advantage of the canonical perspective priori features in protection screen scenarios when migrating to specialization scenarios such as relay protection panel connecting piece detection. The difficulty of manually labeling large data sets has been a challenge when migrating generic detection models to special scenarios. To address the above issues, a semi-supervised object detection model adapted to the normative distribution features is proposed, and a series of adaptations have been made to the model according to the connecting pieces identification scenes. In the semi-supervised training phase of the model, pseudo-labels are generated by using the consistent regularization method, and optimized or rejected by using edge adsorption and dotted ranks fitting based on features of protective screen, thus breaking through the limitations imposed by the difficulty of data annotation. The improved model can achieve an application-level accuracy of 98.12% mean average precision and can additionally output the inverse perspective transformation parameters of the image. The model is applied to a portable intelligent terminal to assist staff in connecting piece inspection. The inverse perspective transformation parameters output by the model can also provide technical support for downstream vision tasks such as 3D human-computer interaction.
Key words:  protective connecting pieces  intellectualization of power systems  semi-supervised learning  object detection algorithm  inverse perspective transformation

