CHEN Zhiying,WEN Buying,ZHU Zhenshan.Multi-time scale optimal scheduling of regional integrated energy system considering wind power correlation[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(8):25-32
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陈志颖1, 温步瀛1, 朱振山1,2
1.福州大学 电气工程与自动化学院,福建 福州 350100;2.智能配电网装备福建省高校工程研究中心,福建 福州 350100
关键词:  区域综合能源系统  线性多面体集合  模型预测控制  冷热电分层  多时间尺度
Multi-time scale optimal scheduling of regional integrated energy system considering wind power correlation
CHEN Zhiying1, WEN Buying1, ZHU Zhenshan1,2
1.College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350100, China;2.Fujian Province University Engineering Research Center of Smart Distribution Grid Equipment, Fuzhou 350100, China
The uncertainty of source and load along with the wind power correlation can make the scheduling results of regional integrated energy system less credible. To solve this problem, taking the minimum comprehensive operation cost as the objective, a scheduling model of regional integrated energy system with multi-time scale is proposed. In the day-ahead stage, the two-stage robust optimization model considering wind power correlation is proposed, and the column-and-constraint generation method is used for the iterative solution. In the intra-day scheduling stage, the different response rates of cold, heat and power are considered, and the hierarchical rolling optimization model of cold, heat and power based on model predictive control is proposed to further eliminate the fluctuation of source and load power. The simulative results show that the robust optimization method considering the wind power correlation reduces conservatism and improves economy. The economic and stable operation of regional integrated energy system is realized by using model predictive control in the hierarchical optimization of cold, heat and power.
Key words:  regional integrated energy system  linear polyhedron set  model predictive control  hierarchy of cold, heat and power  multi-time scale

