SHI Ruiting,YANG Hejun,MA Yinghao,WANG Jingyin,ZHANG Dabo.Joint optimization strategy of demand response and battery energy storage system dispatch considering peak-valley smoothing benefit[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(8):49-55
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时瑞廷, 杨贺钧, 马英浩, 王井寅, 张大波
合肥工业大学 新能源利用与节能安徽省重点实验室,安徽 合肥 230009
关键词:  需求响应  电池储能系统  调度策略  峰谷平滑  削峰填谷  经济效益
基金项目:安徽省自然科学基金资助项目(2208085UD07,2108085UD08);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(PA2021KCPY0053, JZ2022HGTB0279)
Joint optimization strategy of demand response and battery energy storage system dispatch considering peak-valley smoothing benefit
SHI Ruiting, YANG Hejun, MA Yinghao, WANG Jingyin, ZHANG Dabo
Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Renewable Energy Utilization and Energy Saving, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
The existing demand response decision does not consider the influence factors such as energy storage dispatch, and the battery energy storage operators make energy storage dispatch decisions based on the fixed demand response results, so it is difficult for the system to obtain the optimal comprehensive benefits from the joint optimization results. Therefore, the joint optimization mechanism of demand response and battery energy storage system dispatch and the decision model of demand response and battery energy storage system dispatch based on the joint optimization strategy are established. A linear optimization strategy based on discrete parameter programming is adopted to iteratively solve the optimal time-of-use electricity price and energy storage dispatch strategy of the nonlinear optimization model in the form of equal step size. A peak-valley smoothing benefit model based on the joint optimization strategy is established to evaluate the unit cost of peak load shifting in power system. The simulative results show that the proposed joint optimization strategy of demand response and battery energy storage dispatch can effectively realize peak load shifting and improve the overall economy of the system.
Key words:  demand response  battery energy storage system  dispatch strategy  peak-valley smoothing  peak load shifting  economic benefit

