HUANG Hui,LI Yonggang,LIU Huazhi.Collaborative optimization strategy of source-grid-load-energy storage based on improved Nash-Q equilibrium transfer algorithm[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(8):71-77,104
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黄慧1, 李永刚1, 刘华志2
1.华北电力大学 电力工程系,河北 保定 071003;2.国网天津市电力公司电力科学研究院,天津 300220
关键词:  源网荷储协同  多类型储能  多主体博弈  Nash均衡  新能源消纳  协同调度
Collaborative optimization strategy of source-grid-load-energy storage based on improved Nash-Q equilibrium transfer algorithm
HUANG Hui1, LI Yonggang1, LIU Huazhi2
1.Department of Electrical Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China;2.State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Research Institute, Tianjin 300220, China
In order to give full play to the scheduling potential of multi-type energy storage resources and realize the collaborative optimization scheduling of source-grid-load-energy storage, a multi-type energy storage scheduling strategy including battery energy storage, pumped storage and electric vehicles is proposed. With the goal of low-carbon economy, the collaborative optimization scheduling model of source-grid-load-energy storage considering multi-agent game is established. In order to ensure the overall interests of source side, grid side and load side while taking into account their own interests, based on Nash equilibrium theory and using the reinforcement transfer learning technology, an equilibrium transfer algorithm based on improved Nash-Q is proposed. K-means clustering is used to discretize the data, and a dual-structure experience pool is added to improve the sample utilization rate, thus effectively improving the generalization ability of the model. Based on the data of an actual regional power grid, the simulative results show that the proposed strategy can effectively reduce the economic cost and carbon treatment cost of the system, and improve the new energy consumption capacity.
Key words:  source-grid-load-energy storage collaboration  multi-type energy storage  multi-agent game  Nash equilibrium  new energy consumption  collaborative scheduling

