GU Jun,ZHANG Weiguo,BU Rongrong,LI Ping,ZHANG Ming,DU Zhibin.Seven-level modulation strategy of cascaded H-bridge with capacitor unit[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(8):126-132
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顾军, 张维国, 卜荣荣, 李平, 张明, 杜治斌
安徽理工大学 电气与信息工程学院,安徽 淮南 232001
关键词:  多电平逆变器  级联H桥  电容单元  调制策略  电容电压控制
Seven-level modulation strategy of cascaded H-bridge with capacitor unit
GU Jun, ZHANG Weiguo, BU Rongrong, LI Ping, ZHANG Ming, DU Zhibin
School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan 232001, China
In view of the problem for low utilization rate of traditional three-element cascaded H-bridge DC power supply voltage, a cascaded H-bridge inverter with capacitor unit is constructed by replacing the DC power supply with low utilization rate. Around the modulation strategy and capacitor selection of this inverter, based on the carrier stacked pulse width modulation strategy, the redundant switching pattern is used to improve the existing modulation strategy. By collecting capacitor voltage and output current, the modulation mode is switched to realize capacitor charge and discharge control. The changes of capacitor charge under different modulation switching are analyzed, and the conditions for the capacitor voltage to be stable to the reference value are obtained. Considering the requirement that the ripple voltage of capacitor does not exceed 10% of the reference value and combined with the maximum continuous discharge interval, the minimum reference capacitor is calculated to make the inverter reach the optimal configuration. Through simulation and experiment, it is verified that the new modulation strategy can charge the capacitor and has good voltage stabilization effect.
Key words:  multilevel inverter  cascaded H-bridge  capacitor unit  modulation strategy  capacitor voltage control

