WANG Haixin,LIU Mingqi,DONG Henan,LU Shengyang,YANG Zihao,CHENG Shanshan,YANG Junyou,CHEN Zhe.Review on analysis and suppression of low-frequency oscillation in power system with high penetration of renewable energy sources[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(9):152-163.
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王海鑫1, 刘铭崎1, 董鹤楠2, 卢盛阳2, 杨子豪1, 程珊珊1, 杨俊友1, 陈哲3
1.沈阳工业大学 电气工程学院,辽宁 沈阳 110870;2.国网辽宁省电力有限公司电力科学研究院,辽宁 沈阳 110006;3.丹麦奥尔堡大学 能源技术系,丹麦 奥尔堡 DK-9220
关键词:  高比例新能源  低频振荡  影响因素  机理分析  抑制方法
Review on analysis and suppression of low-frequency oscillation in power system with high penetration of renewable energy sources
WANG Haixin1, LIU Mingqi1, DONG Henan2, LU Shengyang2, YANG Zihao1, CHENG Shanshan1, YANG Junyou1, CHEN Zhe3
1.School of Electrical Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang 110870, China;2.Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Shenyang 110006, China;3.Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Aalborg DK-9220, Denmark
With the continuous promotion of the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, the traditional power system dominated by thermal power generation is gradually transforming into the new power system dominated by renewable energy sources. However, the access of high penetration of renewable energy sources may not only transform the low-frequency oscillation characteristics of traditional generators, but also introduce “like electromechanical oscillation”. To present a deep review about the problem, the essential influence factors of grid-connected renewable energy on low-frequency oscillation are analyzed from the perspectives of power system flow, inertia and dynamic interaction. The corresponding generation mechanism and analysis methods are systematically elaborated for different types of low-frequency oscillation. Furthermore, the various suppression methods and their effects on low-frequency oscillation are compared and analyzed under the “source-network-load-storage” architecture of new power system. Finally, the latest research achievements of influence factors, oscillation mechanism, analytical methods and suppression methods for low-frequency oscillation are summarized and prospected.
Key words:  high penetration of renewable energy sources  low-frequency oscillation  influence factors  mechanism analysis  suppression methods

