CAI Haiqing,GUO Qi,YANG Renxin,HUANG Libin,SHI Gang,GU Haohan,SU Mingzhang.Dual-end grid-forming control of flexible DC transmission system for weak grid interconnection[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(9):202-209.
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蔡海青1,2, 郭琦1,2, 杨仁炘3, 黄立滨1,2, 施刚3, 顾浩瀚4,5, 苏明章4,5
1.南方电网科学研究院有限责任公司 直流输电技术全国重点实验室,广东 广州 510663;2.国家能源大电网技术研发(实验)中心,广东 广州 510663;3.上海交通大学 电子信息与电气工程学院,上海 200240;4.广东省新能源电力系统智能运行与控制企业重点实验室,广东 广州 510663;5.中国南方电网公司电网仿真重点实验室,广东 广州 510663
关键词:  柔性直流输电  弱电网  构网型控制  频率支撑  故障穿越
Dual-end grid-forming control of flexible DC transmission system for weak grid interconnection
CAI Haiqing1,2, GUO Qi1,2, YANG Renxin3, HUANG Libin1,2, SHI Gang3, GU Haohan4,5, SU Mingzhang4,5
1.State Key Laboratory of HVDC, Electric Power Research Institute of China Southern Power Grid, Guangzhou 510663, China;2.National Energy Power Grid Technology R&D Centre, Guangzhou 510663, China;3.School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China;4.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Intelligent Operation and Control for New Energy Power System, Guangzhou 510663, China;5.Key Laboratory for Power System Simulation of China Southern Power Grid, Guangzhou 510663, China
In order to solve the problem that the flexible DC transmission system under the conventional grid-following control does not have the ability to support the grid frequency and the operation performance under weak grid conditions is poor, a dual-end grid grid-forming control of flexible DC transmission system is proposed. Based on the inherent dynamics of DC capacitance, the flexible DC transmission system is emulated as a synchronous motor-shaft-synchronous generator system, so that it has good weak grid operation ability and active grid support ability. On this basis, the fault ride-through strategy of the flexible DC trans-mission system is designed. The simulative results of PSCAD/EMTDC show that the proposed control strategy has the weak grid adaptation capability, fast power flow regulation capability, active frequency support capability and grid fault ride-through capability.
Key words:  flexible DC transmission  weak grid  grid-forming control  frequency support  fault ride-through

