YANG Yu,WEN Fushuan,ZHOU Xinglong,WANG Licheng,WU Cong,GONG Yichun.Research review of voltage cooperative control in distribution system with high photovoltaic penetration[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(10):48-58
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杨宇1, 文福拴1, 周星龙2, 王力成3, 吴聪4, 龚一莼4
1.浙江大学 电气工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027;2.国能经济技术研究院有限责任公司,北京 102211;3.浙江工业大学 信息工程学院,浙江 杭州 310023;4.国网能源研究院有限公司,北京 102209
关键词:  配电系统  运行控制  电压管理  光伏发电  通信性能  分布式控制
Research review of voltage cooperative control in distribution system with high photovoltaic penetration
YANG Yu1, WEN Fushuan1, ZHOU Xinglong2, WANG Licheng3, WU Cong4, GONG Yichun4
1.College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;2.China Energy Economic and Technological Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 102211, China;3.College of Information Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China;4.State Grid Energy Research Institute, Beijing 102209, China
High photovoltaic penetration is one of the typical features of future renewable energy power system, which will face the challenges of frequent fluctuation of photovoltaic output and poor communication performance. Furthermore, the newly integrated photovoltaic inverters do not well align with the existing voltage management system of distribution system, it is necessary to cooperate the control of the two. Under this background, a comprehensive and systematic review of voltage cooperative control of distribution system with high photovoltaic penetration is carried out. The intension and definition of distribution system with high photovoltaic penetration and the urgent contradiction to be solved in voltage cooperative control are outlined. Focusing on the voltage cooperative control issues of cooperative control strategy of distributed photovoltaic inverters and the coordination of inverters and traditional voltage control devices, the related research status of distribution system with high photovoltaic penetration is reviewed. The theoretical and technical issues to be solved in the field are prospected.
Key words:  distribution system  operation and control  voltage management  photovoltaic generation  communication performance  distributed control

