CHEN Kexin,XIN Huanhai,GAO Huisheng,HU Guang,NI Qiulong,CAO Jianwei.Nodal frequency analysis method for renewable energy power system considering multimodal components[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(10):136-144
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陈可欣1, 辛焕海1, 高晖胜1, 胡光1, 倪秋龙2, 曹建伟3
1.浙江大学 电气工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027;2.国网浙江省电力有限公司,浙江 杭州 310007;3.国网浙江省电力有限公司 湖州供电公司,浙江 湖州 313000
关键词:  电力系统  差模频率  频率空间分布  二次特征值  节点模态惯量指标
Nodal frequency analysis method for renewable energy power system considering multimodal components
CHEN Kexin1, XIN Huanhai1, GAO Huisheng1, HU Guang1, NI Qiulong2, CAO Jianwei3
1.College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;2.State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 310007, China;3.Huzhou Power Supply Company, State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Huzhou 313000, China
Under the background of “dual-carbon”,large-scale renewable energy is connected to the power system, and the spatial distribution difference of frequency response is expanded. At this time, the non-global component in the frequency response of each node may dominate the frequency stability problem, and such problems are not fully studied at present. Therefore, based on the idea of frequency response mode decomposition, the quantitative analysis method of node frequency response of renewable energy power system is proposed. Firstly, the frequency-active power transfer function of various types of equipment is approximated by the unified structure of inertia-damping-frequency modulation system. Then, based on the quadratic eigenvalue analysis method, the frequency response of each node is decomposed to obtain the expressions of common mode frequency and several differential mode frequencies. Furthermore, the key characteristic quantities such as the maximum offset, the change rate of each frequency component and so on are analyzed. By analogy with the corresponding relationship between the total inertia and the global frequency change rate, the node modal inertia index is defined for each modal frequency component of each node. The proposed frequency decomposition method and index intuitively demonstrate the node distribution difference of each differential mode frequency in the power system. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed frequency decomposition method and index is verified by simulation.
Key words:  electric power systems  differential mode frequency  frequency spatial distribution  secondary eigenvalue  node modal inertia index

