WANG Xueyi,HAO Wenqing,LI Zhenyao,GAN Deqiang,MAO Xun,NI Jingyi.Analysis of frequency characteristic and voltage solvability of network equation considering photovoltaic grid-connected power system[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(10):167-175
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王雪一1, 郝文清1, 李振垚1, 甘德强1, 毛荀2, 倪静怡2
1.浙江大学 电气工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027;2.国网安徽省电力有限公司电力科学研究院,安徽 合肥 230601
关键词:  紧急功率控制  光伏发电  频率特性  网络方程  电压可解性
Analysis of frequency characteristic and voltage solvability of network equation considering photovoltaic grid-connected power system
WANG Xueyi1, HAO Wenqing1, LI Zhenyao1, GAN Deqiang1, MAO Xun2, NI Jingyi2
1.College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;2.Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Hefei 230601, China
With the large-scale interconnection of new energy, the power system is facing problems such as insufficient of rotational inertia and weak voltage support capability, the frequency and voltage stability pro-blems become prominent. Considering the photovoltaic grid-connected situation, the analysis methods to quantify the frequency characteristics of power systems and the solvability of network equations are proposed. On the one hand, based on an approximate full-state model of power system, the influence of the system parameters on the frequency characteristic is analyzed through the analytical solution of the time-domain response for the state variables. It is proved that the photovoltaic supplementary frequency control under full-state model does not change the system inertia but can increase the system damping. Furthermore, it is pointed out that the frequency response of system is mainly determined by the dominant mode, and the analytical calculation formula of the dominant eigenvalues is given. On the other hand, focusing on network equations and analyzing the equivalence conditions of Jacobian matrix singularity, a negative qualitative index for quantifying the voltage solvability is proposed based on the minimum eigenvalue of real symmetric matrix. Using this negative qualitative index, and with the help of graph theory analysis, it is demonstrated that with the increase of photovoltaic penetration in the grid, the voltage solvability decreases and the voltage stability deteriorates. Finally, the effectiveness of the above analysis methods is verified using the typical 4-machine and 11-bus test system and an actual power system.
Key words:  emergency power control  photovoltaic power generation  frequency characteristic  network equation  voltage solvability

