ZHANG Xiangyu,CHEN Liwei,FU Yuan.Research on transient adaptive virtual inertia control strategy of DC microgrid and its parameter feasibility region[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(11):141-149
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张祥宇, 陈立威, 付媛
华北电力大学 新能源电力系统国家重点实验室,河北 保定 071003
关键词:  直流微电网  暂态电量  虚拟惯性  极点配置  参数分析
Research on transient adaptive virtual inertia control strategy of DC microgrid and its parameter feasibility region
ZHANG Xiangyu, CHEN Liwei, FU Yuan
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China
The additional virtual capacitor control can excavate the hidden inertia of DC microgrid, so as to alleviate the sensitive problem of DC bus voltage to power fluctuation under the penetration of new energy, but it can not meet the flexible inertia requirements of the system in the process of dynamic regulation. In order to provide flexible inertial support capability for DC microgrid, by coupling voltage parameters and inertia parameters in source side converter control to change the process of system power accumulation, a transient adaptive virtual inertia control strategy is proposed which can respond to the changes of microgrid operating conditions in real time and input variable virtual capacitance. With the help of the system small signal model and root locus analysis, the influence of inertia parameter change on the system stability is revealed. On this basis, the control theory is used to assign poles to provide effective constraints for parameter selection and optimize the design of control parameters. Finally, a five-terminal DC microgrid simulation system is built to verify the flexible transient adaptive capability of dynamic virtual capacitance provided by transient adaptive virtual inertia control.
Key words:  DC microgrid  transient electric quantity  virtual inertia  pole assignment  parametric analysis

