引用本文:史先好,高厚磊,向珉江,崔 川.IEEE1588时钟同步协议在数字化变电站中的应用探讨[J].电力自动化设备,2011,31(4):
SHI Xianhao,GAO Houlei,XIANG Minjiang,CUI Chuan.Application of IEEE1588 time synchronization protocol in digital substation[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2011,31(4):
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史先好, 高厚磊, 向珉江, 崔 川
山东大学 电气工程学院,山东 济南 250061
针对IEC61850对变电站内不同应用层面的同步精度要求,比较了硬接线同步方式、简单网络时间协议(SNTP)和IEEE1588 精确时间协议(PTP)的优缺点。介绍了IEEE1588时间协议的时钟类型以及它们之间的关系,详细分析了IEEE1588时间同步的基本原理。应用目前硬件支持条件,论证了在数字化变电站中应用IEEE1588实现高精度时间同步的可行性。基于未来变电站自动化系统对高精度时间同步信息的需求,提出了IEEE1588时间协议在IEC61850数字化变电站中的2个工程应用方案,其一为单变电站型,其二为多变电站型。在应用方案中,讨论了利用北斗卫星定位系统、全球卫星定位系统(GPS)和原子时钟构建最高级时钟的冗余配置方案。
关键词:  IEEE1588  数字化变电站  时钟同步  以太网  IEC61850  时间孤岛
Application of IEEE1588 time synchronization protocol in digital substation
SHI Xianhao, GAO Houlei, XIANG Minjiang, CUI Chuan
School of Electrical Engineering,Shandong University,Ji’nan 250061,China
According to the time synchronization requirements of IEC61850 at different levels of digital substation,three synchronization modes are compared:hard-wired,SNTP(Simple Network Time Protocol) and IEEE1588 PTP(Precision Time Protocol). The clock types of IEEE1588 and their relationships are introduced and the principle of IEEE1588 PTP synchronization is analyzed in detail. The feasibility of IEEE1588 PTP synchronization with current hardware supporting conditions of digital substation is described. Two schemes of IEEE1588 PTP application in IEC61850-based substation for future substation automation systems are proposed:one for single substation and the other for multiple substations. In the proposed schemes,the redundant configuration of grandmaster clock using Beidou navigation satellite system,GPS(Global Positioning System) and atomic clock is discussed.
Key words:  IEEE1588  digital substation  time synchronization  Ethernet  IEC61850  time island

