引用本文:武万才,边 疆,吴志勇.变压器和应涌流产生机理及其特性分析[J].电力自动化设备,2011,31(6):
WU Wancai,BIAN Jiang,WU Zhiyong.Principle and characteristics of transformer sympathetic inrush[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2011,31(6):
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武万才, 边 疆, 吴志勇
宁夏电力公司 吴忠供电局,宁夏 吴忠 751100
关键词:  变压器  和应涌流  励磁涌流  电力系统保护  机理  特性
Principle and characteristics of transformer sympathetic inrush
WU Wancai, BIAN Jiang, WU Zhiyong
Wuzhong Electric Power Bureau of Ningxia Electric Power Company,Wuzhong 751100,China
The switch-on of an electric transformer without load or the voltage recovery after its external fault is removed will induce the sympathetic inrush in its adjacent transformer,which may result in the misoperation of differential protection and back-up protection of the adjacent transformer. Based on the flux variation,the principle of sympathetic inrush generation is summarized and its characteristics in waveform and variation are analyzed. Simulation with two single-phase transformers demonstrates that,the flux variation caused by the terminal voltage change induces the sympathetic inrush. It is pointed out that,one of three phase sympathetic inrushes is symmetry when three-phase transformer is switched on without load and the difference of harmonic current decay between two sides of transformer causes the misoperation of differential protection.
Key words:  electric transformers  sympathetic inrush  magnetizing inrush  electric power system protection  principle  characteristic

