引用本文:冯永青,李 鹏,陈 刚,麦绍辉,汪 皓.基于模型拼接与外网等值的南方电网在线模型协调方法[J].电力自动化设备,2011,31(7):
FENG Yongqing,LI Peng,CHEN Gang,MAI Shaohui,WANG Hao.Online model cooperation based on model merging and equivalence technology[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2011,31(7):
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冯永青, 李 鹏, 陈 刚, 麦绍辉, 汪 皓
中国南方电网电力调度通信中心,广东 广州 510623
根据南方电网的调度生产实践,给出了基于模型拼接与外网等值的网省在线模型协调方法。通过模型拼接方法,在南网总调侧形成了500 kV / 220 kV南方电网全网模型、图形和数据,供能量管理系统(EMS)进行在线计算使用。通过外网等值,由南网总调为五省区中调在线生成外网等值信息。各中调将外网等值数据应用到各自的EMS在线网络分析软件,从而提高中调的在线分析精度。在南网总调和贵州中调的应用经验表明,该在线模型协调方法是实用且有效的。该方法已经在南方电网稳定有效运行了2年以上。
关键词:  网络分析  调度中心  能量管理系统(EMS)  模型拼接  外网等值技术
Online model cooperation based on model merging and equivalence technology
FENG Yongqing, LI Peng, CHEN Gang, MAI Shaohui, WANG Hao
Power Dispatching and Communication Center of China Southern Power Grid,Guangzhou 510623,China
According to the productive practice of CSG(China Southern power Grid),a scheme of online model cooperation between regional and provincial power dispatch centers is developed based on the model merging and equivalence technology. By the model merging,the complete CSG 500 kV/220 kV model,graphs and data are established in the regional center for the online calculation of its EMS. The online equivalent model is generated by the regional center,and transferred to the provincial centers. The equivalent model is then used in the online network analysis of each provincial EMS to enhance its analysis precision. The successful online operation for more than 2 years in CSG regional center and Guizhou provincial center proves the proposed scheme practical and effective.
Key words:  electric network analysis  dispatch center  energy management system  model merging  equivalence technology

