引用本文:曾 正,杨 欢,赵荣祥,汤 浩,朱明磊,金 磊,汤胜清.一种多功能并网逆变器拓扑及其控制[J].电力自动化设备,2013,33(1):
ZENG Zheng,YANG Huan,ZHAO Rongxiang,TANG Hao,ZHU Minglei,JIN Lei,TANG Shengqing.Topology and control of multi-functional grid-connected inverter[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2013,33(1):
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曾 正, 杨 欢, 赵荣祥, 汤 浩, 朱明磊, 金 磊, 汤胜清
浙江大学 电气工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027
针对一种能兼顾分布式电源并网和并网点无功、谐波和不平衡电流补偿的多功能并网逆变器拓扑进行了研究。建立了该拓扑的数学模型,利用加权电流反馈方法设计了其并网电流跟踪控制器,基于输出滤波器中阻尼电阻功耗与阻尼比之间的关系,设计了阻尼电阻。给出了一种包含并网功率跟踪和电能质量补偿两部分的、简洁有效的指令电流生成算法。 PSCAD/EMTDC的仿真结果和一台15 kV·A样机的实验结果,验证了所提拓扑和控制策略的正确性和有效性。
关键词:  并网逆变器  功能复合  阻尼  加权电流反馈  逆变器  拓扑  电流控制
Topology and control of multi-functional grid-connected inverter
ZENG Zheng, YANG Huan, ZHAO Rongxiang, TANG Hao, ZHU Minglei, JIN Lei, TANG Shengqing
College of Electrical Engineering,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027,China
The topology of multi-functional grid-connected inverter is researched,which connects DG to grid and compensates the harmonic current,reactive power and unbalanced current of grid-connection point as well. Its mathematical model is established,its controller for tracking the output current is designed based on the weighted currents feedback approach and the damping resistance of output filter is designed based on the relationship between its power loss and damping ratio. A simple but effective algorithm is given for calculating the reference currents,which includes two parts:output power tracking and power quality compensation. Simulative results of PSCAD/EMTDC and experimental results of a 15 kV·A prototype show the correctness and validity of the proposed topology and control strategy.
Key words:  grid-connected inverter  functional integration  damping  weighted currents feedback  electric inverters  topology  electric current control

