引用本文:刘涤尘,冀星沛,陈 果,王 波,魏大千.基于复杂网络理论的电力通信网加边保护策略[J].电力自动化设备,2016,36(10):
LIU Dichen,JI Xingpei,CHEN Guo,WANG Bo,WEI Daqian.Link addition strategy based on complex network theory for power communication network[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2016,36(10):
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刘涤尘1, 冀星沛1, 陈 果2, 王 波1, 魏大千1
1.武汉大学 电气工程学院,湖北 武汉 430072;2.悉尼大学 电气与信息学院,澳大利亚 悉尼 NSW2006
关键词:  复杂网络  电力通信网  加边策略  脆弱性  连通性  网络效率
Link addition strategy based on complex network theory for power communication network
LIU Dichen1, JI Xingpei1, CHEN Guo2, WANG Bo1, WEI Daqian1
1.School of Electrical Engineering,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China;2.School of Electrical and Information Engineering,The University of Sydney,Sydney NSW2006,Australia
Based on the complex network theory,a network model of CCPCN(Central China electrical Power Communication Network) is built and its topological characteristics are analyzed,which shows that CCPCN is a typical scale-free network,being robust to random failures but vulnerable to deliberate attacks,especially the high betweenness node attack. According to the structural features of CCPCN,the impact of link addition strategy on its robustness is compared in the aspects of connectivity and network efficiency among four modes,i.e. random link addition,low degree link addition,low betweenness link addition and algebraic connectivity based link addition. Results show that,the link addition strategy can effectively improve the robustness of CCPCN,and the low betweenness link addition is superior to other three modes in the aspects of protective effect and computing efficiency.
Key words:  complex network  electrical power communication network  link addition strategy  vulnerability  connectivity  network efficiency

