ZHANG Xiaoxue,NIU Huanna,ZHAO Jingxiang,YANG Minghao.Distribution network island partition considering potential power-supply of microgrid[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2016,36(11):
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张晓雪, 牛焕娜, 赵静翔, 杨明皓
中国农业大学 信息与电气工程学院,北京 100083
关键词:  微电网  配电网  风险电量  供电潜力  多目标孤岛划分
Distribution network island partition considering potential power-supply of microgrid
ZHANG Xiaoxue, NIU Huanna, ZHAO Jingxiang, YANG Minghao
College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
A multi-objective optimization model of island partition considering the potential power-supply of microgrid is established for partitioning the islands of distribution network with microgrid during the post-fault power recovery. A method for evaluating the potential power-supply of microgrid is proposed based on the risk energy considering the randomness of intermittent power generations and loads of microgrid, according to which, an optimization model of distribution network island partition is established with the maximum weighted sum of recovery loads, the minimum quantity of islands and the maximum average comprehensive power-supply confidence level of islands as its objectives. An optimization method to solve the multi-objective optimization model is developed, which compares the satisfaction degree distance between the idealized goal and the Pareto sets with non-inferior solutions obtained by single-objective optimization. An example shows that, the proposed multi-objective island partition model and method can provide satisfactory schemes for the power recovery.
Key words:  microgrid  distribution network  risk energy  potential power-supply  multi-objective island partition

