CHENG Lin,ZHANG Jing,HUANG Renle,WANG Cunping,TIAN Hao.Case analysis of multi-scenario planning based on multi-energy complementation for integrated energy system[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2017,37(6):
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程林1, 张靖1, 黄仁乐2, 王存平2, 田浩1
1.清华大学 电机工程与应用电子技术系,北京 100084;2.国网北京市电力公司,北京 100031
关键词:  综合能源系统  多能互补  规划场景  协同效益  规划
Case analysis of multi-scenario planning based on multi-energy complementation for integrated energy system
CHENG Lin1, ZHANG Jing1, HUANG Renle2, WANG Cunping2, TIAN Hao1
1.Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;2.State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company, Beijing 100031, China
The integrated energy system has several particular features: multiple energy source types, such as electric power, natural gas, heat(cool) and so on, multiple interest groups, various energy demands, etc.,and the key problem of its planning is how to make the overall cooperation of multi-energy complementation for the flexible configuration of different sections, such as source, grid, load, storage and so on, to promote the local accommodation of renewable energies and enhance the comprehensive energy efficiency of system. With a practical multi-energy system planning for a region in northern China as an example, the concept of multi-scenario planning is discussed and several planning sections are deeply analyzed: the prediction and analysis of energy demands, the scenario design of multi-energy station subsystem planning, the construction schedule and the synergetic benefit of multi-energy complementation, which provides reference for the similar regional multi-energy system planning.
Key words:  integrated energy system  multi-energy complementation  planning scenario  synergetic benefit  planning

