LIU Dui,LI Xiaohua,CAI Zexiang,YIN Shanshan.Influence analysis of negative sequence components of commutation voltage on commutation of LCC-HVDC transmission system and its suppression strategy[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(3):
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刘对, 李晓华, 蔡泽祥, 殷珊珊
华南理工大学 电力学院,广东 广州 510640
关键词:  LCC-HVDC输电系统  换相电压负序分量  换相失败  锁相环  相序解耦谐振控制器
Influence analysis of negative sequence components of commutation voltage on commutation of LCC-HVDC transmission system and its suppression strategy
LIU Dui, LI Xiaohua, CAI Zexiang, YIN Shanshan
School of Electric Power Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China
Aiming at the problem that LCC-HVDC(Line Commutated Converter based High Voltage Direct Current) transmission system may have commutation failure when the AC system fault occurs on the inverter side, the quantitative relationship between the negative sequence components of the commutation voltage and PLL(Phase Locked Loop) is deduced, and the influence of the negative sequence component of the commutation voltage on the commutation of LCC-HVDC transmission system is qualitatively analyzed. On this basis, an improved double second-order generalized integrator PLL is proposed to suppress multiple commutation failures. Firstly, the phase sequence decoupled resonant controller with separation characteristics is used to decouple the positive and negative components of commutation voltage. Then, using the double second-order generalized integrator-quadrature signal generator, the positive and negative sequence components are separated, and harmonic components are eliminated again. Finally, the quadrature harmonic cancellation module is used to filter the low-order harmonics, improve the anti-interference ability of PLL, and complete the accurate extraction of the synchronization signal. Simulative results show that the improved PLL has better dynamic performance and a strong suppression capability of negative sequence components of commutation voltage and harmonic. The frequency and phase of the grid voltage can be captured efficiently when the grid voltage is asymmetric and the harmonic content is high. And the improved PLL can reduce the probability of commutation failure.
Key words:  LCC-HVDC transmission system  negative sequence components of commutation voltage  commutation failure  phase locked loops  phase sequence decoupled resonant controller

