LIAO Zhiyan,LI Yinhong.Probabilistic forecasting of wind-photovoltaic-load power based on temporal-spatial correlation modelling of Regular Vine Copula-DBN[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(3):
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廖芷燕, 李银红
华中科技大学 电气与电子工程学院,湖北 武汉 430074
关键词:  时空相关性  动态贝叶斯网络  R藤Copula  概率预测
Probabilistic forecasting of wind-photovoltaic-load power based on temporal-spatial correlation modelling of Regular Vine Copula-DBN
LIAO Zhiyan, LI Yinhong
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
The probabilistic forecasting of multi-dimensional wind-photovoltaic-load power considering temporal-spatial correlation can fully describe the uncertainty of wind-photovoltaic-load, which provides guarantee for the safety, stability and economic operation of power system. A probabilistic forecasting method of wind-photo-voltaic-load power based on temporal-spatial correlation modelling of Regular Vine Copula-DBN(Dynamic Bayesian Network) is proposed. The spatial correlation of multi-dimensional variables is described based on Regular Vine Copula model and transfer entropy, and the Bayesian network in the initial state is established. The initial Bayesian network is extended on the time series to construct a DBN that can describe the temporal autocorrelation and spatial correlation of wind-photovoltaic-load. The model is applied for probabilistic forecasting of high-dimensional wind-photovoltaic-load power considering temporal-spatial correlation. Case simulation verifies the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Key words:  temporal-spatial correlation  dynamic Bayesian network  Regular Vine Copula  probabilistic forecasting

