FU Zhixin,ZHU Weihan,ZHU Junpeng,YUAN Yue.Fast charging guidance and pricing strategy for electric taxis based on dynamic traffic-grid coupling network[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(4):
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傅质馨1,2, 朱韦翰1,2, 朱俊澎1,2, 袁越1,2
1.河海大学 能源与电气学院,江苏 南京 211100;2.河海大学 可再生能源发电技术教育部工程研究中心,江苏 南京 211100
关键词:  路-电耦合网络  电动出租车  快速充电  动态导航  虚拟负荷  定价决策
Fast charging guidance and pricing strategy for electric taxis based on dynamic traffic-grid coupling network
FU Zhixin1,2, ZHU Weihan1,2, ZHU Junpeng1,2, YUAN Yue1,2
1.School of Energy and Electrical Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China;2.Research Center for Renewable Energy Generation Engineering of Ministry of Education, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China
As the main participants of fast charging and traffic-grid coupling network, the continuous driving-charging behavior of electric taxis seriously affects the operation state of traffic-grid coupling network. Therefore, the fast charging guidance and pricing strategy of electric taxis based on dynamic traffic-gird coupling network are proposed. Firstly, an interactive framework of traffic flow-energy flow-information flow for electric taxis in traffic-grid coupling network is proposed. Then, the dynamic updating strategy of traffic network information is proposed, and the model of a single electric taxi is built to simulate the continuous driving-charging state switching behavior of electric taxis. On this basis, the dynamic navigation of route planning and traffic network information updating in the same cycle and the station selection decision method considering the next passenger seeking point are proposed. Finally, the virtual load is predicted according to the station load and station selection load, and the pricing strategy of charging station based on virtual load and utilization ratio balance is proposed. The simulative results show that the proposed method can balance the load of charging station, alleviate traffic congestion and increase the operation income of electric taxis.
Key words:  traffic-grid coupling network  electric taxis  fast charging  dynamic navigation  virtual load  pricing decision

