WANG Min,Lü Lin,XIANG Yue.Coordinated scheduling strategy of electric vehicles for peak shaving considering V2G price incentive[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(4):
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王敏, 吕林, 向月
四川大学 电气工程学院,四川 成都 610065
关键词:  电动汽车  V2G  价格激励  削峰  出行链  多目标协同调度  辅助服务
Coordinated scheduling strategy of electric vehicles for peak shaving considering V2G price incentive
WANG Min, Lü Lin, XIANG Yue
College of Electrical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China
In order to improve the influence of the increase of peak-valley difference of urban power load on the stable and economic operation of distribution system, a coordinated scheduling strategy of EVs(Electric Vehicles) for peak shaving is proposed. The new-type flexible resources such as EVs are guided to participate in auxiliary services through price signals, so as to smooth the system load curve and reduce the electricity cost of EV users. Firstly, the V2G(Vehicle to Grid) incentive price mechanism is proposed according to the peak shaving demand of the system. Then, the EV travel demand model based on travel chain and the power consumption model based on travel demand are constructed. On this basis, considering the actual travel demand constraints of EV users, a multi-objective coordinated scheduling model is established to minimize the mean square error of system load curve and minimize the electricity cost of EV users. Finally, the simulative results of example show that the proposed coordinated scheduling strategy of EVs for peak shaving can smooth the system load curve and reduce the electricity cost of EV users, thus improving the operation economy of distribution network.
Key words:  electric vehicles  V2G  price incentive  peak shaving  travel chain  multi-objective coordinated scheduling  auxiliary service

