YAO Tianyu,LI Yong,QIAO Xuebo,HAN Yu,JIAO Shumei,CAO Yijia.Hosting capacity optimization of distributed photovoltaic in distribution network considering security boundary and coordinate configuration of SOP[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(4):
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姚天宇1, 李勇1, 乔学博1, 韩宇1,2, 矫舒美1, 曹一家1
1.湖南大学 电气与信息工程学院,湖南 长沙 410082;2.江苏徐电建设集团有限公司,江苏 徐州 210009
关键词:  高渗透率光伏  分布式电源  农网  安全边界  线性化  准入容量  智能软开关
Hosting capacity optimization of distributed photovoltaic in distribution network considering security boundary and coordinate configuration of SOP
YAO Tianyu1, LI Yong1, QIAO Xuebo1, HAN Yu1,2, JIAO Shumei1, CAO Yijia1
1.College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China;2.Jiangsu Xudian Construction Group Co.,Ltd.,Xuzhou 210009, China
SOP(Soft Open Point) provides new ideas for the consumption of high penetration of photovoltaic in distribution network, so the security boundary of rural network is incorporated into the planning model of distribution network to optimize and research the hosting capacity of DPV(Distributed PhotoVoltaic). The improved security boundary model considering the loss of the rural network is derived and analyzed, and its linear expression is proposed. The SOP principle is explained and the mathematical model is built for distribution network planning. Then, taking the maximum of DPV hosting capacity as the objective, the active-reactive power coordinated optimal model of DPV and SOP considering the improved security boundary and active management measures is proposed. Meanwhile, SOP and other parts in this model are linearized by introducing linear approximation, so the original model is transformed into a mixed integer linear programming model, and GAMS is used to solve the optimal problem. Finally, case studies are carried out on a 51-bus rural network to illustrate the effectiveness and correctness of the proposed model and method, and the impacts of security boundary, active management measures and SOP capacity on the maximum hosting capacity of DPV are analyzed.
Key words:  high penetration of photovoltaic  distributed power generation  rural network  security boundary  linearization  hosting capacity  soft open point

