JIA Wenchao,CAO Song.Parameter optimization design of combination-type grounding mode for large-sized hydropower units[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(4):
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贾文超, 曹嵩
华北电力大学 电力工程系,河北 保定 071003
关键词:  大型水电机组  单相接地故障  定子接地保护  组合型接地  高阻接地故障
Parameter optimization design of combination-type grounding mode for large-sized hydropower units
JIA Wenchao, CAO Song
Department of Electrical Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China
In order to limit the single-phase grounding fault current, some large-sized hydropower units adopt the combination-type grounding mode of grounding resistance and parallel inductance, but the parameter selection of grounding resistance and inductance has an impact on the grounding fault current, transfer over-voltage, neutral point displacement voltage and sensitivity of zero-sequence voltage protection. Comprehensively considering the grounding fault current index, transfer over-voltage index, neutral point displacement voltage index and sensitivity index of zero-sequence voltage protection, the evaluation system for combination-type grounding parameter design of hydropower units is established. The analytical calculation is carried out with the parameters of actual hydropower units. The analytical results show that selecting appropriate parameters can effectively reduce the grounding fault current and improve the protection sensitivity, meanwhile the transfer over-voltage and displacement voltage will not be too large. The scheme for parameter selection is given, hoping to provide a reference for the parameter selection of combination-type grounding mode.
Key words:  large-sized hydropower units  single-phase grounding fault  stator grounding fault protection  combination-type grounding  high-resistance grounding fault

