WANG Ying,YANG Wei,XIAO Xianyong,ZHANG Shu.Clustering and analysis of electricity consumption behavior of massive users based on network feature dimension reduction of denoising autoencoder and improved mini-batch K-means algorithm[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(6):
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汪颖, 杨维, 肖先勇, 张姝
四川大学 电气工程学院,四川 成都 610065
关键词:  用电行为  特征降维  聚类分析  互信息  小批优化K均值算法  超参数优化  贝叶斯优化
Clustering and analysis of electricity consumption behavior of massive users based on network feature dimension reduction of denoising autoencoder and improved mini-batch K-means algorithm
WANG Ying, YANG Wei, XIAO Xianyong, ZHANG Shu
College of Electrical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China
The mining and analysis of electricity consumption features of massive users is of great significance for realizing bi-directional interaction between power grid and users. An algorithm suitable for clustering and analysis of electricity consumption behavior of massive users is proposed to reduce the time complexity of the algorithm and improve the load data analysis efficiency of massive users. The electricity consumption behavior features of the users are extracted, and a multi-layer denoising autoencoder network is built to realize dimension reduction of multi-dimensional features. The mini-batch K-means algorithm is used for clustering analysis, and the improvements of initial clustering centroid optimization and hyperparameter optimization on the algorithm are carried out to improve the convergence speed and effect of the algorithm, in which, the hyperparameter optimization is carried out with Bayesian optimization algorithm based on Gaussian process. The related indexes of separation degree between the clusters and the cohesion degree within the clusters are used to evaluate the clustering effect. The effective clustering features are screened through mutual information to realize user portraits. The case results show that the proposed method has good performance in feature optimization, clustering effect and convergence speed.
Key words:  electricity consumption behavior  feature dimension reduction  clustering analysis  mutual information  mini-batch K-means algorithm  hyperparameter optimization  Bayesian optimization

