FU Yang,MIAO Yuzhi,HUANG Lingling,LIU Lujie,WEI Shurong,ZHANG Zhiwei.Dynamic reliability evaluation of wind turbine based on improved Bayesian network[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2022,42(11):
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符杨1, 苗育植1, 黄玲玲1, 刘璐洁1, 魏书荣1, 张智伟2
1.上海电力大学 电气工程学院,上海 200090;2.上海东海风力发电有限公司,上海 200433
关键词:  风电机组  故障树  云模型  无标度网络  贝叶斯网络  状态结构洞  动态可靠性评估
Dynamic reliability evaluation of wind turbine based on improved Bayesian network
FU Yang1, MIAO Yuzhi1, HUANG Lingling1, LIU Lujie1, WEI Shurong1, ZHANG Zhiwei2
1.School of Electric Power Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China;2.Shanghai Donghai Wind Power Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200433, China
The traditional Bayesian network method is not comprehensive in describing the coupling relationship among the information acquired by the new intelligent wind turbine, such as “diverse and heterogeneity” status information, fault of unit components and status information, which easily leads to inaccurate reliability assessment results. To solve this problem, an improved Bayesian network integrated with fault trees, cloud model and scale-free network is established. By introducing the idea of iterative updating and combining the improved Bayesian network with time sequence analysis method, a dynamic reliability evaluation method of wind turbine is proposed. Case results show that the proposed method can not only effectively use the real-time status information of wind turbine for quantitative calculation of dynamic reliability degree, but also use Bayesian network, status structure hole and scale-free network to realize the expression of correlation characteristics between the status information and “component-status” structure, thus improving the accuracy of dynamic reliability evaluation.
Key words:  wind turbines  fault tree  cloud model  scale-free network  Bayesian network  status structure hole  dynamic reliability evaluation

