ZHANG Tao,YANG Jianhua,JIN Kaiyuan,LI Jiabin,YANG Zhijie.Low-carbon consumption method of distributed photovoltaic for distribution network based on Stackelberg game[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(1):
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张涛1, 杨建华1, 靳开元2, 李嘉彬3, 杨志杰4
1.中国农业大学 信息与电气工程学院,北京 100083;2.国网天津市电力公司,天津 300010;3.国网冀北电力有限公司经济技术研究院,北京 100038;4.普洱市公安局,云南 普洱 665000
关键词:  交易电价  可时移负荷  低碳  Stackelberg博弈  分布式光伏  就地消纳
Low-carbon consumption method of distributed photovoltaic for distribution network based on Stackelberg game
ZHANG Tao1, YANG Jianhua1, JIN Kaiyuan2, LI Jiabin3, YANG Zhijie4
1.College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China;2.State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Company, Tianjin 300010, China;3.State Grid Jibei Electric Economic Research Institute, Beijing 100038, China;4.Public Security Bureau of Puer City, Puer 665000, China
In order to promote the local consumption of distributed photovoltaic generation power in distribution network, and alleviate the problems of solar energy abandoning and voltage limit exceeding, a local consumption method by using transaction electricity price and low-carbon agricultural electro-equipment is proposed, and the bi-level optimization model for low-carbon source-load coordination is constructed. In the upper-level model, the optimal transaction electricity price and the time-shifted consumption power of each park are determined by the Stackelberg game model with the goal of maximizing the overall comprehensive income of the photovoltaic generation companies and agricultural parks. The low-carbon benefit, configuration quantity and other information of the low-carbon agricultural electro-equipment are comprehensively considered in the lower-level model. The maximum low-carbon consumption benefit is taken as the target in different metering periods, and the local consumption default rate is controlled in the agricultural parks for confirming the optimal control scheme of the time-shifted load and determining the maximum low-carbon consumption benefits of different parks. The simulative results of a distribution network show that the local consumption situation of distributed photovoltaic generation is improved when adopting the transaction electricity price and the time-shifted low-carbon load consumption model. Meanwhile, the abandoned photovoltaic electricity quantity is reduced, the voltage quality is improved, and the overall comprehensive income of the photovoltaic generation companies and agricultural parks are both promoted.
Key words:  transaction electricity price  time-shifted load  low-carbon  Stackelberg game  distributed photovoltaic  local consumption

