LI Xuan,FANG Yongjie,WU Xuelian,HOU Yuqiang,LI Zhaowei,LIU Fusuo.Quantitative index of transient voltage stability based on instability mechanism analysis[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(11):195-202
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李宣1,2, 方勇杰1,3, 吴雪莲1,3, 侯玉强1,3, 李兆伟1,3, 刘福锁1,3
1.智能电网保护和运行控制国家重点实验室,江苏 南京 211106;2.国网江西省电力有限公司超高压分公司,江西 南昌 330029;3.南瑞集团有限公司(国网电力科学研究院有限公司),江苏 南京 211106
关键词:  暂态电压稳定  暂态潮流断面  P-V曲线  失稳机理  稳定性量化指标
Quantitative index of transient voltage stability based on instability mechanism analysis
LI Xuan1,2, FANG Yongjie1,3, WU Xuelian1,3, HOU Yuqiang1,3, LI Zhaowei1,3, LIU Fusuo1,3
1.State Key Laboratory of Smart Grid Protection and Control, Nanjing 211106, China;2.Extra High Voltage Branch Company of State Grid Jiangxi Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Nanchang 330029, China;3.NARI Group Corporation(State Grid Electric Power Research Institute),Nanjing 211106, China
In the transient process, the voltage instability will occur when the load bus voltage value enters the unstable region determined by the system characteristics and load characteristics. In the single-machine and single-load system model, it is proved that the critical points of static P-V curve and V-Q curve of the same system are consistent, a P-V curve analysis method of power flow section during transient state is proposed based on the technical route of dynamic tracking system characteristic variation, and a calculation method of quantitative index of transient voltage stability and corresponding stability criterion are given. In the multi-machine system, although it is usually needed to combine the proposed method with the dynamic tracking calculation of critical voltage or Thevenin equivalent circuit for application, however, there still exist the scenarios where the calculation formula based on the single-machine model can be directly applied with no need of system equivalence. The mechanism of transient voltage instability, the limitation of conventional index based on engineering experience, and the effectiveness of the proposed index and stability criterion are verified by examples.
Key words:  transient voltage stability  power flow section during transient state  P-V curve  instability mechanism  quantitative index of stability

