ZHANG Haidong,DOU Renhui,WU Yanping,FAN Chen,ZHAO Guoqing,YANG Qing,REN Hao,JIANG Yulei.Key technologies of station domain preprocessing and adaptive transmission of real-time data obtained by wide-frequency measurement[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(11):211-217
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张海东, 窦仁晖, 吴艳平, 樊陈, 赵国庆, 杨青, 任浩, 姜玉磊
中国电力科学研究院有限公司(南京),江苏 南京 210003
关键词:  宽频测量  边缘计算  自适应传输  站域处理  处理单元
Key technologies of station domain preprocessing and adaptive transmission of real-time data obtained by wide-frequency measurement
ZHANG Haidong, DOU Renhui, WU Yanping, FAN Chen, ZHAO Guoqing, YANG Qing, REN Hao, JIANG Yulei
China Electric Power Research Institute(Nanjing),Nanjing 210003, China
The real-time data obtained by wide-frequency measurement has large capacity and high density, which is easy to cause network congestion during data interaction between master and substations, and takes up a lot of resources during centralized storage and analysis of master station. Using the concept of edge computing for reference, a technical scheme for the station domain preprocessing and adaptive transmission of real-time data obtained by wide-frequency measurement is proposed. The preprocessing result data is obtained by local statistical analysis in substation domain and sent to the master station when the power grid is in a stable state. In the case of grid wide-frequency disturbance, the transmission mode between the master station and substation is adaptively switched, and the real-time data wide-frequency measurement is transmitted as required between master station and substations. The principle of station domain preprocessing and adaptive transmission is given. Key technologies such as data preprocessing, power grid wide-frequency disturbance monitoring, adaptive transmission mode, and adaptive transmission process are expounded. The results of experiment verify the correctness and effectiveness of the station domain preprocessing and adaptive transmission of real-time data obtained by wide-frequency measurement.
Key words:  wide-frequency measurement  edge computing  adaptive transmission  station domain processing  processing unit

