PAN Chao,LIU Jizhe,SUN Yong,LI Baoju,FANG Jiakun,WANG Yao.Low-carbon optimization of integrated energy system considering hydrogen-storage integrated coordination[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(12):118-126
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潘超1, 刘继哲1, 孙勇2, 李宝聚2, 方家琨3, 王尧2
1.东北电力大学 现代电力系统仿真控制与绿色电能新技术教育部重点实验室,吉林 吉林 132012;2.国网吉林省电力有限公司,吉林 长春 130031;3.华中科技大学 强电磁工程与新技术国家重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430074
关键词:  综合能源系统  灵活性资源  电-热-氢  低碳
Low-carbon optimization of integrated energy system considering hydrogen-storage integrated coordination
PAN Chao1, LIU Jizhe1, SUN Yong2, LI Baoju2, FANG Jiakun3, WANG Yao2
1.Key Laboratory of Modern Power System Simulation and Control & Renewable Energy Technology, Ministry of Education, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin 132012, China;2.State Grid Jilin Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Changchun 130031, China;3.State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
Aiming at renewable energy consumption, the coordinated regulation for the regional integrated energy system of electricity, heat and hydrogen is studied based on the multi-energy flow interaction topology. Considering the complementarity influence of flexible resources and heterogeneous energy flows, multi-evaluation indexes such as economic cost, new energy consumption and carbon emission are constructed to eva-luate the electricity-heat-hydrogen regulation strategy. The electricity-heat-hydrogen interaction energy flow traceback method is proposed based on load carbon emission, and the carbon flow topology information is used to assist multi-energy regulation and decision-making. Through the simulation of an actual regional power grid, the enhancement effect of diversified flexible resource response on comprehensive benefit of integrated energy system is analyzed, and the source-load coordination of the electricity-heat-hydrogen system is studied, which verifies the effectiveness and rationality of the proposed method.
Key words:  integrated energy system  flexibility resource  electricity-heat-hydrogen  low-carbon

