ZHAO Nan,WANG Jun,HUANG Hua,ZHANG Yajie,WANG Jiaxu.Coordinated optimal scheduling of multi-region integrated energy system with electric-hydrogen hybrid vehicle response[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2023,43(12):257-264
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赵楠, 王俊, 黄桦, 张亚杰, 王嘉旭
南京工程学院 电力工程学院,江苏 南京 211167
关键词:  综合能源系统  氢电混合动力车  负荷侧耦合  主从博弈  协调优化
Coordinated optimal scheduling of multi-region integrated energy system with electric-hydrogen hybrid vehicle response
ZHAO Nan, WANG Jun, HUANG Hua, ZHANG Yajie, WANG Jiaxu
School of Electric Power Engineering, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211167, China
The coupling degree between multi-region integrated energy system(IES) and delivery network and transportation network on the load side has deepened due to an increasing number of new energy-powered vehicles, which makes the coordinated optimal scheduling for multi-region systems has become more complex. The impact of hydrogen-electric hybrid vehicle charging response behavior on optimal schedu-ling in multi-region IES is analyzed, a master-slave game model is constructed to analyze the interaction between multi-region IES operators and hydrogen-electric hybrid vehicles. Through the iteration solution of upper-and lower-level models, optimal hydrogen price subsidy can be obtained under different scenarios. The case study results demonstrate that appropriate hydrogen price subsidy can maximize the responsiveness of the lower-level hydrogen-electric hybrid vehicle group, and the cooperation with the multi-region hydrogen supply chain can effectively enhance energy utilization, thereby improving the operational economy of the multi-region IES.
Key words:  integrated energy system  hydrogen-electric hybrid vehicle  load side coupling  master-slave game  coordinated optimization

