ZHANG Qinghe,ZHAO Feng,LIU Baolin,LI Jian,LI Ran,PENG Aiwu.Efficient real-time output power control system based on LMMHD wave energy generator characteristics[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2024,44(6):43-49.
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张庆贺1,2, 赵峰1,2, 刘保林1, 李建1, 李然1, 彭爱武1,2
1.中国科学院 电工研究所,北京 100190;2.中国科学院大学 电子电气与通信工程学院,北京 100049
关键词:  波浪能发电  液态金属磁流体发电机  输出功率控制  全桥Boost电路  模块化
Efficient real-time output power control system based on LMMHD wave energy generator characteristics
ZHANG Qinghe1,2, ZHAO Feng1,2, LIU Baolin1, LI Jian1, LI Ran1, PENG Aiwu1,2
1.Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China;2.School of Electronic, Electrical and Communication Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Aiming at the problems of slow response, poor accuracy, low conversion efficiency and unreliable commutation under low voltage in the current output power control system of liquid metal magneto-hydro dynamic(LMMHD) wave energy generators, a control strategy to control the generator output power by real-time adjusting the equivalent load of LMMHD generator is proposed based on the analysis of the output characteristics of LMMHD wave energy generators. This strategy is fast and accurate, and there is no parallel current sharing problem when multiple modules are connected in parallel. Through the theoretical analysis of the efficiency of the main circuit considering the influence of parasitic parameters, the variation rule of the main circuit efficiency under the proposed output power control strategy is obtained. Furthermore, a scheme of multi module parallel connection is proposed to improve the system efficiency and reduce the design difficulty of a single module. A commutation drive method of rolling time domain judgment and dual module independent drive is proposed, which can realize reliable commutation under low voltage while avoiding the current flow from the body diode and reducing the conduction loss. Results of simulative and prototype experiments verify the effectiveness of the proposed strategy.
Key words:  wave energy power generation  LMMHD generator  output power control  full bridge Boost circuit  modularization

