KANG Jin,LIU Xiaofeng,ZHOU Yi,GAO Jianing,WU Hao,JU Ping.Summer temperature-sensitive load model considering intra-day temperature variation and two-stage identification method of its time-varying parameters[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2024,44(6):210-216.
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康进1, 刘晓峰1, 周毅2, 高佳宁2, 吴浩1, 鞠平1
1.浙江大学 电气工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027;2.国家电网有限公司华东分部,上海 200002
关键词:  温敏负荷  时变参数  两阶段辨识  日内温度变化
Summer temperature-sensitive load model considering intra-day temperature variation and two-stage identification method of its time-varying parameters
KANG Jin1, LIU Xiaofeng1, ZHOU Yi2, GAO Jianing2, WU Hao1, JU Ping1
1.College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;2.East China Branch of State Grid Corporation of China, Shanghai 200002, China
The current researches about the temperature-sensitive characteristics of power loads mostly only focus on the relationship between the maximum temperature and maximum load on the long-time scale, but ignore the analysis of temperature-sensitive characteristics under different intra-day temperatures. A temperature-sensitive load model that can reflect the intra-day temperature change is built, and two assumptions are introduced to solve the problem of model identifiability. A data screening method suitable for parameter identification and a two-stage identification method for time-varying parameters of the temperature-sensitive load model are proposed. The example results show that the proposed method can accurately and robustly identify the time-varying parameters of the temperature-sensitive load model, and obtain the intra-day temperature-sensitive load curve and the ratio of temperature-sensitive load.
Key words:  temperature-sensitive load  time-varying parameter  two-stage identification  intra-day temperature variation

