GAO Zhihai,SHEN Meiyan,MA Longyi,SONG Ying,SHEN Xinhao,YANG Li,LIN Zhenzhi.Distributed energy storage planning for disaster prevention and emergency considering transportation network uncertainty and SESS-MESS spatial coordination[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2024,44(7):54-61
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高志海1, 沈美燕1, 马龙义2, 宋莹2, 沈鑫皓2, 杨莉1, 林振智1
1.浙江大学 电气工程学院,浙江 杭州 310027;2.广东电网有限责任公司惠州供电局,广东 惠州 516000
为在大规模停电后提供紧急电力支持,提出一种考虑交通网络不确定性及固定储能系统(SESS)和移动储能系统(MESS)空间配合的分布式储能(DES)防灾应急规划方法。基于正态分布区间数,建立通行时间不确定的MESS调度交通网络模型,提出考虑SESS与MESS空间配合效应的联合应急供电策略。采用机会约束描述交通网络不确定性,构建考虑供电可靠性最优的DES选址定容模型。将机会约束转换为确定性等价类,针对DES防灾应急系统多个供电可靠性衡量指标间的冗余问题,提出基于规格化法平面约束法的多目标优化求解方法。采用改进的IEEE 30节点系统及交通网络进行验证,结果表明所提方法能够实现多区域最优配置,验证了SESS与MESS的空间配合效应,并反映了交通网络不确定性对规划结果的影响。
关键词:  防灾应急  分布式储能规划  交通网络  机会约束规划  规格化法平面约束法
Distributed energy storage planning for disaster prevention and emergency considering transportation network uncertainty and SESS-MESS spatial coordination
GAO Zhihai1, SHEN Meiyan1, MA Longyi2, SONG Ying2, SHEN Xinhao2, YANG Li1, LIN Zhenzhi1
1.College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;2.Huizhou Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Power Grid Co.,Ltd.,Huizhou 516000, China
To provide emergency power support after a large-scale power outage, a distributed energy storage (DES) planning method for disaster prevention and emergency considering the transportation network uncertainty and spatial coordination of static energy storage system(SESS) and mobile energy storage system (MESS) is proposed. Based on the normal distribution interval number, the MESS dispatching transportation network model with uncertain travel time is established, and the joint emergency power supply strategy considering the spatial coordination effect of SESS and MESS is proposed. By using chance constraint to describe the uncertainty of transportation network, a DES location and capacity decision model considering optimal power supply reliability is constructed. Then, the chance constraint is converted into a deterministic equivalence class. Aiming at the redundancy problem among multiple power supply reliability measures of DES disaster prevention and emergency system, a multi-objective optimization method based on normalized normal constraint method is proposed. The improved IEEE 30-bus system and transportation network are used for validation, and the results show that the proposed method can achieve the multi-region optimal configuration, demonstrate the spatial coordination effect of SESS and MESS, and reflect the impact of transportation network uncertainty on the planning results.
Key words:  disaster prevention and emergency  distributed energy storage planning  transportation network  chance-constrained planning  normalized normal constraint method

