LI Xue,ZHANG Hanshuai,JIANG Tao,ZHANG Rufeng,CHEN Houhe.Multi-stage resilience enhancement strategy for power system against extreme ice disaster[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2024,44(7):69-77
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李雪, 张涵帅, 姜涛, 张儒峰, 陈厚合
东北电力大学 现代电力系统仿真控制与绿色电能新技术教育部重点实验室,吉林 吉林 132012
为提升冰灾下电力系统的韧性,降低系统负荷削减量,提高系统恢复速率,提出一种应对极端冰灾的电力系统多阶段韧性提升策略。对冰灾场景以及受冰灾影响的线路故障率进行建模;从线路抗冰能力、系统负荷损失、系统恢复情况、线路受损情况、维修资源充裕度多个角度构建电力系统综合韧性评估指标,以定位冰灾下系统的薄弱环节;在此基础上,通过灾前线路故障风险预测、灾中机组出力调整以及除冰线路筛选和主动停运除冰、灾后维修顺序规划等策略提升冰灾下的系统韧性。基于IEEE 39和IEEE 118节点系统进行仿真分析,结果验证了所提韧性评估方法和提升策略的有效性。
关键词:  极端冰灾  电力系统  韧性评估  韧性提升  负荷削减  线路停运除冰
Multi-stage resilience enhancement strategy for power system against extreme ice disaster
LI Xue, ZHANG Hanshuai, JIANG Tao, ZHANG Rufeng, CHEN Houhe
Key Laboratory of Modern Power System Simulation and Control & Renewable Energy Technology, Ministry of Education, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin 132012, China
In order to enhance the resilience of power system under ice disaster, reduce the system load shedding amount and improve the system load restoration speed, a multi-stage resilience enhancement strategy of power system against extreme ice disaster is proposed. The ice disaster scenarios and line failure rates influenced by the ice disaster are modelled. The comprehensive resilience assessment indicators are construc-ted from multiple perspectives of ice resistance ability of the line, system load loss, system recovery situation, line damage situation, and repair resource sufficiency degree to locate the system weak loop under the ice disaster. On this basis, the system resilience under ice disaster is enhanced through strategies such as line failure risk prediction before the disaster, unit output adjustment, together with the de-icing line screening and active line shutdown for de-icing during the disaster, and repair sequence planning after the disaster. The simulation analysis is performed on IEEE 39-bus and 118-bus systems, and the results verify the effectiveness of the proposed resilience assessment method and enhancement strategy.
Key words:  extreme ice disaster  electric power systems  resilience assessment  resilience enhancement  load shedding  line shutdown for de-icing

