YIN Jiamin,XIE Ning,WANG Chengmin,ZHAO Pengzhen,FAN Chunju.Generation method of planning scenario for new power system based on fractal theory[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2024,44(7):94-100,188
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殷佳敏, 谢宁, 王承民, 赵鹏臻, 范春菊
上海交通大学 电子信息与电气工程学院,上海 200240
关键词:  新型电力系统  典型场景  规划场景  分形插值参数  负荷预测
Generation method of planning scenario for new power system based on fractal theory
YIN Jiamin, XIE Ning, WANG Chengmin, ZHAO Pengzhen, FAN Chunju
School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
The proportion of new energy in new power system is continuously increasing, and the uncertainty of source and load makes it difficult to determine the planning boundaries of new power system, so it is necessary to propose a generation method of planning scenario adapting to new power system. The fractal characteristics of net load data are analyzed, and an overall framework of generation method for planning scenario is proposed. On the basis of proposing a box dimension calculation method for net load time series, a forecasting method for the initial point of planning scenario is proposed using the time-shift invariance of box dimension. The fractal interpolation algorithm is refined, and a generation method of planning scenario based on the initial point is proposed. The actual net load data of a certain area is taken as an example for analysis, which verifies the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method.
Key words:  new power system  typical scenario  planning scenario  fractal interpolation parameter  load forecasting

