WANG Hanyue,FU Lerong,LIU Xing,JING Hang,FENG Moke,XU Jianzhong.Comprehensive evaluation system of equivalent model of wind farm[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2024,44(7):271-277
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王晗玥, 付乐融, 刘星, 井航, 冯谟可, 许建中
华北电力大学 新能源电力系统国家重点实验室,北京 102206
关键词:  风电场站  等值模型  层次分析  评价指标  综合评价体系
Comprehensive evaluation system of equivalent model of wind farm
WANG Hanyue, FU Lerong, LIU Xing, JING Hang, FENG Moke, XU Jianzhong
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China
In order to realize the comprehensive evaluation of multiple equivalent model of wind farm, the detailed topology model is set up as the benchmark model, and the single-wind-turbine equivalent model and the feeder equivalent model are obtained respectively through the equivalent of collector lines and the aggregation of wind turbines, as two evaluation objects. A comprehensive evaluation system of equivalent model based on improved hierarchical analysis is proposed, which includes the spatio-temporal indexes of multiple working conditions. According to the proposed evaluation index, three models are simulated and tested in PSCAD/EMTDC environment, and the comprehensive evaluation results of the two equivalent models are given: when the demand for simulation speed is not high, the feeder equivalent model has higher evaluation comprehensive value, multiple problem analysis ability and better universality. Based on the simulation, the proposed comprehensive evaluation system realizes the comprehensive evaluation of the equivalent model of wind farm, including the steady-state operating point, small disturbance, transient operating condition, spatial signs of the collector lines and simulation speed.
Key words:  wind farms  equivalent model  analytic hierarchy process  evaluation index  comprehensive evaluation system

