ZHANG Jinming,OUYANG Sen,ZHANG Jiening,GUO Yifan,PENG Qi.Construction decision of large-scale roof top photovoltaic integrating into distribution network[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2024,44(7):287-294
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张晋铭, 欧阳森, 张杰宁, 郭一帆, 彭琦
华南理工大学 电力学院,广东 广州 510640
关键词:  屋顶光伏  综合决策  层次分析-G1  改进的基于指标相关性的指标权重确定法  改进的最小偏差组合赋权
Construction decision of large-scale roof top photovoltaic integrating into distribution network
ZHANG Jinming, OUYANG Sen, ZHANG Jiening, GUO Yifan, PENG Qi
School of Electric Power, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China
Focusing on the optimization problem of large-scale roof top photovoltaic construction, a comprehensive evaluation method for the construction scheme of large-scale roof top photovoltaic is proposed. Based on the analysis of relevant parties in roof top photovoltaic construction, a comprehensive evaluation index system suitable for decision-making of roof top photovoltaic construction is built from the perspectives of power supply influence side, environmental protection side, economy side, and market side, the quality and matching of grid-connected operation are considered at the power supply influence side, the green and low-carbon benefits are reflected at the environmental protection side, the investment and construction benefits are focused at the economy side, and the application participation and acceptance are reflected at the market side. The analytic hierarchy process-G1 combination weighting method and an improved criteria importance through intercriteria correlation method are respectively adopted to solve the subjective and objective weights of the indicators, and the comprehensive weights of the indicators are determined through an improved minimum deviation combination weighting model, the technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution is adopted to complete the evaluation and decision-making. The simulative results of examples verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Key words:  roof top photovoltaic  comprehensive decision-making  analytical hierarchy process-G1  improved criteria importance through intercriteria correlation method  improved minimum deviation combination weighting

