引用本文:戴训江,晁 勤,樊艳芳.基于阻尼谐振的光伏并网逆变器谐波补偿控[J].电力自动化设备,2011,31(1):
DAI Xunjiang,CHAO Qin,FAN Yanfang.Harmonic compensation control of grid-connected inverter based on damping resonance[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2011,31(1):
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戴训江, 晁 勤, 樊艳芳
新疆大学 电气工程学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830008
基于带阻尼谐振的谐波补偿通用积分器算法,建立光伏并网逆变器的开环模型和闭环模型,提出参考电流跟踪补偿和低次谐波补偿的数学模型,模型的bode图分析表明应选择较小的阻尼系数、较大的衰减谐波次数和较大的比例增益,以实现有选择的谐波补偿,有效滤除电流的谐波分量。在此基础上,进一步研究电网电压同步和系统对电网阻抗变化的灵敏度等关键问题,分析表明:阻尼系数和被滤除谐波次数的增加,将使电网同步恶化;电网电感增加也将恶化相位裕度。提出集成最大功率跟踪控制算法、PLL锁相环技术和阻尼谐振谐波补偿控制器的统一协调的控制策略,能模拟系统输入 / 输出变化,以及控制器的动态调节功能。仿真结果表明基于阻尼谐振的谐波补偿算法,能将注入电网的总谐波畸变率减小为1.5 %,功率因数接近1,满足光伏并入电网的要求。
关键词:  阻尼  谐振  并网逆变器  谐波补偿
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(50667002);国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目合作研究项目(50810 105065)
Harmonic compensation control of grid-connected inverter based on damping resonance
DAI Xunjiang, CHAO Qin, FAN Yanfang
Electrical Engineering College,Xinjiang University,Urumqi 830008,China
The open-loop and close-loop models of grid-connected inverter are deduced based on the general integrator of harmonic compensator with damping resonance and the mathematical compensation model of reference current and low order harmonics is proposed. Bode analysis indicates that,smaller damping factor,larger attenuation harmonic order and lager proportional gain should be chosen to realize the selective compensation and effective filtering of harmonic components. The critical issues as power grid synchronization and system sensitivity to power grid inductance variation are further analyzed,which shows that,the increase of damping factor and harmonic orders to be attenuated will deteriorate the power grid synchronization and the increase of power grid inductance will deteriorate the phase margin. A coordinated and unified control system integrating the maximum power point tracking,phase-locked loop and damping resonant harmonic compensation controller is built to simulate the input and output change and its dynamic control. Simulative result shows that,the proposed algorithm largely reduces the injected total harmonic distortion to 1.5 % and makes the power factor closer to unity,meeting the requirements of grid connection for photovoltaic system.
Key words:  damping  resonance  grid-connected inverter  harmonic compensation

