引用本文:赵晋泉,邓 晖,徐光虎,张 勇,吴小辰.基于区间联络线能量预测的暂态稳定紧急切机控制(二)工程案例[J].电力自动化设备,2016,36(10):
ZHAO Jinquan,DENG Hui,XU Guanghu,ZHANG Yong,WU Xiaochen.Transient stability emergency generator tripping control based on tie-line energy prediction Part two:project case[J].Electric Power Automation Equipment,2016,36(10):
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赵晋泉1, 邓 晖1, 徐光虎2, 张 勇2, 吴小辰2
1.河海大学 可再生能源发电技术教育部工程研究中心,江苏 南京 210098;2.中国南方电网有限责任公司,广东 广州 510623
关键词:  区间暂态稳定  广域量测系统  紧急切机控制  中国南方电网  电力系统防线
Transient stability emergency generator tripping control based on tie-line energy prediction Part two:project case
ZHAO Jinquan1, DENG Hui1, XU Guanghu2, ZHANG Yong2, WU Xiaochen2
1.Research Center for Renewable Energy Generation Engineering,Ministry of Education,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China;2.China Southern Power Grid Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510623,China
With the wide application of PMU/WAMS,the transient stability emergency control technology based on wide-area response has become possible. According to the emergency generator tripping control based on tie-line energy prediction and the transient instability detection based on voltage trajectory,a scheme of inter-area transient stability control is proposed for the interconnected systems,which adopts the master-slave control mode to carry out the inter-area transient instability detection and emergency generator tripping control. As a project,a detailed transient instability control scheme is established for the Guangdong-Guangxi section of China Southern Power Grid under a complex fault. The coordination between the proposed control method and the current safety & stability defence line is discussed. Simulative results show that,a rational and effective emergency generator tripping strategy is set by the proposed method to maintain the safe and stable operation of power grid.
Key words:  inter-area transient stability  PMU/WAMS  emergency generator tripping control  China Southern Power Grid  power system defense line

